Anyway, lets do a post on bees shall we? We'll look at a few different kinds of bees and do some quick info on them. Make sure you comment here or on the facebook page to let me know if there's a specific bee you want more information on!
1) Bumble Bee
Bumble bees are very social and they collect pollen and nectar in order to feed their young. Queen and worker bees can sting and they will sting if provoked. These bees can sting you repeatedly!
2) Carpenter Bee
Carpenter bees look like bumble bees but the most major difference is that the yellow on their body is ONLY by the head, not lower by the stinger and in bands. They build burrows in dead wood. These bees are solitary and contrary to popular belief, they do not eat the wood, just move it to the side so they have a place to live.
3) Sweat Bees
Sweat bees are those tiny little annoying bees that buzz around you and don't seem to do much but annoy you. They are usually a 1/4 to 1/2 inch long and are black, brown, red, or metallic green. They are attracted to the salt in human sweat and will sting if squished against your skin.
Next blog entry we'll look at wasps! Yay!
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