Friday, May 31, 2013

Weird but True: Cicadas!

Yay for my first weird but true post! This is going to focus on cicadas because, well, there is plenty of stuff out there that makes you stop and go "Wait.... Really?" And this blog is here to show that yes! It is true!

First up: The man who made music to the sound of cicadas. His name is David Rothenberg. Here is his wikipedia page. Followed closely with his personal website which you can find right here! Now for a quick overview. David graduated from Harvard and Boston and now teaches Philosophy and Music at NJIT! He is a jazz musician and apparently loves putting bug sounds to music. Now for what you really want to hear:

Click me now! Click me RIGHT NOW!

Next up: Are you into cooking? Do you enjoy trying out fancy new dishes? Does your taste palette need expanding? Well I have the recipes for you!


Yummy! How about some cicadas in your soup? A lovely cicada sandwich perhaps? Or if you only like chocolate, a decadent cicada peanut butter cup?

And for those of you who are unsure about this whole process and who are grossed out by them:
 A cicada-themed spoof of the

Thursday, May 16, 2013


It's been a good long time don't you think? Life certainly does get in the way.... but no worries! I'm back and we're going to spend this blog talking about cicadas!

Did you know that this is the year of the 17 year cicadas? If you didn't, I will explain:

Cicadas only show up every 17 years. 17 years ago, the cicadas emerged from the ground in this area. They swarmed with all the males wanting to find a female partner (it always seems to be for that reason huh?). They find a mate, do their thing, and then promptly die. The females then lay their eggs in the trees where they hatch and then go into the ground where they hang out there for another 17 years.... Only for the cycle to start all over again. Sounds like fun right?

Not so much.

Cicadas are quite the nuisance. They are loud and when they die, they are all over everything. Not only that, but we're not talking about a few buzzing around the yard. We're talking about hundreds of these bugs. These bugs can be so loud when in a group, they can reach 100 decibels.

For more information on the 17 year cicadas, click here:

To see a video with a cicadas as the star and to hear the noise you'll hear (keep in mind this is ONE) click here:

More soon! :)